Geiode Lighting

Lumina Mockup Table

Discover the details behind our work

Lumina Mockup Table


In our showroom, we have created a visually captivating display using a custom-designed mockup table. This table serves as a unique platform for showcasing our cutting-edge lighting product prototypes.

What sets it apart is the way we have seamlessly integrated our lighting prototypes into its face, allowing visitors to witness the transformative power of our products up close. The table's surface replicates the appearance of a concrete ceiling, offering a true-to-life experience. It's as if we've transported the essence of architectural design right onto our showroom floor. The simulated concrete ceiling, complete with pot lights, forms a captivating juxtaposition on the table's surface.

Lumina Mockup Table 1
Lumina Mockup Table 2
Lumina Mockup Table 3
Lumina Mockup Table 4